The quote you chose of Anne Frank’s at the beginning of your piece is what we read as a family every Passover. Thanks for sharing your experience - I got the chills visualizing the man with his hands below the sink tap, imaging Anne & her family doing the same. Very moving.The fact that you were able to do this with your kids is so great - a moment the 3 of your will always have to remember together.

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Feb 15, 2023·edited Feb 15, 2023

Thanks Amy. Love the feedback and reference to the quote. It’s important to hear the entire paragraph that is optimistic and realistic at the same time and I love that your family reads it every year at Passover. 💙

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Love your writing voice!! Really enjoyed reading it!!

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Tricia is also a kick ass tennis player!! 🎾🎾🎾

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It’s because I play with great partners! 🙌🏼

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Loved this Tricia. Love the details and observations you shared about your trip. I felt like I was there with you. Thank you!

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Thanks Anita! Much appreciated!

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