The Witch Trials podcast was so well done. It went farther than the issue of discussion and cut right to the cultural problems of vehement dissent. So good. I also appreciate that you’ve expressed something important here: the freedom to change one’s mind. Occasionally, when I’m teaching students argumentative writing strategies, I have them write from both perspectives. The goal is understanding how both sides can build an argument, this building empathy and connection, despite disagreement. You’ve done that well in this piece. Thank you!

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“It is hard enough to disagree about a topic. It gets personal when ... the disagreement leads to legislation that bars them from accessing services they need to live.” <<== This all day.

In my attempt to have these conversations more respectfully, I am trying to be MORE CURIOUS and LESS “JUDGEY”. Not my original idea, it’s effective to hear where people are coming from first and allows for more open discussion after.

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