My son and his wife continually amaze me as I watch THEM parent for the first time. Their ability to be loving and patient even when exhausted, their willingness to be independent as parents but also recognizing the importance of their “support system”. There is something very “full circle”, and yes amazing, seeing your own child become a parent.

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I love the way children are so carefree and optimistic. They live life with no worries and usually expect the best to happen without asking any questions. My niece and nephew are a regular reminder for me to live life with child-like faith!

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OMG - so many ways! My oldest daughter her level of insight and compassion for multiple points of view...my youngest with her groundedness, her unorthodox but often spot on observations about things and her unapologetic self-knowledge and how much I've seen her grow in the areas that used to throw her for a loop and my son with the ways he thinks about things from angles that hadn't occurred , and how sensitive and and soulful and helpful he is and able to put things together from a manual - something that has always eluded me! All we had to do was take him out of school and he really flourished!

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